Moncha.box2 is the most powerful laser show controller from showtacle company.
It allows you to control any ILDA laser projector with standard ILDA input.
It’s 4 in 1 laser show controller (also called DAC=Digital Analog Converter), because you can use it with software, using Art-Net, DMX 512 or even in stand alone mode.
Main benefits
• Four ways to control: software, DMX 512, DMX Art-Net, Stand-alone
• PowerCon in & out, internal network switch with two Ethernet ports, and DMX in & out makes it comfortable for
daisy chaining
• Maximum 100kpps scan rate is good even for graphics shows
• Uses standard SD-card with size up to 64GB to store up to 255 complete laser
• You can store up to 20 hours of laser show on one SD-card
• Laser safety - brightness map works also in DMX or Stand-alone mode
• Fades in brightness map
• Color optimization - color balance and fade curves on SD-card (works in DMX or Stand-alone mode)
• Remote control over Ethernet or even Internet (public IP address required) - upload frames and shows,
configure stand- alone mode, configure brightness map and color optimization
• Practical web configuration allows you to set all the basic and even advanced parameters using your iPhone
or Android device. You can set IP address, drawing size, brightness, color balance and many more settings.
Control possibilities
1. Ethernet
You can control Moncha.box2 device in real time e.g. using Moncha/Fiesta software (available for both MAC OS and Windows system).
You can also create laser show effects or complete laser shows and save them to Moncha.box2's SD-Card.
Since SD-Card uses standard FAT32 file system, you can use any cheap card reader to do that.
But Moncha.box2 comes with great possibility to upload animations or shows directly from software.
Remotely you can also setup stand alone mode, define brightness map or control color balance and color fade curves.
2. DMX (DMX 512 or Art-Net DMX)
You can store up to 255 different animations or even complete laser shows on your SD-Card.
Using DMX you can switch among the animations. You can also set all the required properties of drawing - size, position, rotation, brightness, scan-rate, animation speed, color, ...
Since you can use SD-Card with size up to 64GB, it's no problem to store up to 20 hours of high quality laser show on one card.
3. Stand-alone (auto play)
Moncha.box2 allows you to use it without any computer or DMX controller.
It's perfect especially for advertisement or some other special applications, where no computer is required.
It is possible to define file to play using DIP switch or even using special text file stored on the SD-Card.
This allows you to play files remotely, which is perfect feature especially for laser advertisement.
Using Ethernet upload feature you can also change stored shows and animations.
Color optimization
Other common problem is color optimization. Some lasers require to display blue color with a little green (e.g. cheap 405nm lasers). This is also solved in Moncha.NET - full color optimization is applied in real time (also in DMX and in Stand-alone mode). You can define separate color channel levels for every basic color - White, Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Cyan and Magenta. Like this you can easily configure e.g. white color balance.
Usually there is also problem with color fades, especially by low cost DPSS lasers. Moncha.box2 allows you do define fade curve for every color channel separately. Like this fading problem can be solved.
Color balance optimization setting and color channel fade curve settings are stored on SD-card in simple text file. This file can be easily changed remotely over Ethernet/Internet.
It is also important to note, these optimizations and brightness map are applied in real time! So it's not required to export scenes and shows again when you change some setting!
Software support
Moncha.box2 device is now supported by Free Moncha software (running on all present Windows operating systems). And also the newly developed Fiesta for Mac software.(annual license required)

There is an additional feature in Moncha.NET software to upload any scenes from your workspace to your Moncha.NET SD-card. This allows you to create effects and upload them to Moncha.NET device immediately.
Complete feature list
• Standard ILDA output
• 16 bit X and Y axes
• 4x 8bit color output
• Maximal scan rate 100000pps
• DMX 512 output
• DMX 512 input
• 100MBit Ethernet
• DIP switch (for IP/DMX address or setting stand-alone file to play)
• 4 control modes: Software, DMX 512, DMX Art-Net, Stand-alone
• Standard SD-card, FAT 32 file system up to 64 GB size
• Up to 255 different animations, effects or complete shows can be stored on SD-card
• 20 DMX channels used to control: position (16bit), size, rotation (16bit), brightness, color,
animation speed, animation direction, scan-rate
• Remotely controllable over Ethernet or Internet with public IP address
• Practical web configuration allows you to set all the basic and even advanced parameters using your iPhone or
Android device. You can set IP address, drawing size, brightness, color balance and many more settings.